What is Dr. Pop's Lifeline Method for Diabetes ?
Why this program? Because even when a diabetic knows exactly what needs to be done, there is often no commitment or consistent action to reach the goals. This lack of accountability is a habit, and it will be a constant roadblock to any health success unless it’s eradicated and replaced by new, productive habits. This is where the program comes to help.
Are You A Very Concerned Diabetic? Confused? Running Out Of Time?
Enroll in Health Coaching!

How Exactly Does This Work?
Join a Lifeline Method for Diabetes* group
You Will To A Certified Lifeline Method Health Coach
Better Health In Just Twelve Weeks!
Leave all excuses behind!
A health coach will guide you step by step

Reverse Your Diabetes!
Without Medications
In Three Months or Less!

Stop Producing Fewer Results Than You Are Capable Of!
Put a stop to the wheel of health confusion, procrastination, and indecision for good!
Health Coaching is the program to ensure that you get exactly what you want out of your life.
This twelve week program will:
Guide you in creating goals for each major area of your health, then help you break those goals into actionable, manageable steps
Help you focus on building the best health-promoting lifestyle you are capable of, considering your particular health problems and the unique life situations you are dealing with
Provide a weekly, high-accountability process that will keep you on track to reaching your goals, so you literally can’t miss them
Provide you with a concierge coach to guide you through your entire journey, offering elite customer service, assistance, and support every step of the way, including maximizing your learning experience
Provide you you with detailed feedback on what’s working, what’s not working, and ways to correct and continue making progress toward your goals
Join The Twelve Week Diabetes Reversal Health Coaching!

* Diabetes Type II Only
** If You Prefer Private Coaching You May Ask Your Assigned Coach For A Private Coaching Program. Also, We Can Aways Find A Private Coach For You